Carolina Marsh Tacky Association By-Laws

Article I. Organization and Location

Section 1.1 The Carolina Marsh Tacky Association is a South Carolina non-profit equine organization with its headquarters in Hollywood, in Charleston County, South Carolina.

Section 1.2 The Carolina Marsh Tacky Association shall hereinafter be called the “Tacky.”

Section 1.3 The term “Marsh Tacky” is defined to include horses of Colonial Spanish descent originally found on the barrier islands and Lowcountry of South Carolina.

Article II Purpose

Section 2.1 The Tacky’s purposes are set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, which were approved by the Secretary of State of South Carolina on December 4, 2007. The general purpose shall be to educate and inform the public about the horse known as a “Marsh Tacky” in South Carolina; to engage in research activities to conserve and propagate the Marsh Tacky; to maintain archives relating to the Marsh Tacky; to gather, preserve, exhibit and make available for study materials relating to the Marsh Tacky; to sponsor public programs in order to study and preserve the Marsh Tacky’s heritage and pedigree; to assist breeders of Marsh Tackies to secure breeding stock.

Article III Membership

Section 3.1 Class and Fees.
Membership in the Tacky shall be classified as (a)
Charter (b) Single (c) Family (d) Lifetime (e) Honorary. See Appendix A for a list of appropriate fees. Classes of membership are:

(a) Charter membership (founding members) will be granted to those persons who exhibit a dedicated interest in the establishment of the Tacky. Charter memberships will be accepted for one year after the initial organizational meeting of the association. Charter members will have all voting privileges.

(b) Single membership will be granted to a person who has interest in, or who is a breeder or owner of Marsh Tacky horses. Payments of appropriate fees apply. Single membership will have all voting privileges.

(c) Family memberships will be granted to persons who have interest in, or who are breeders or owners of Marsh Tacky horses. Family memberships will include any individual who is a spouse or child under 20 years of age and part of the immediate family of a qualifying member. These persons will be eligible for access under the Family membership. Family memberships receive one vote. Payments of appropriate fees apply.

(d) Lifetime membership will be granted to those persons who have an interest in, or who are breeders or owners of Marsh Tacky horses. Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations, Organizations, and Governmental Agencies, institutions of learning, executors, administrators and trustees may become Lifetime members by payment of appropriate fees. Lifetime memberships will have all voting privileges.

(e) Honorary membership may be awarded by the Board of Directors from time to time to those individuals who merit special recognition for their efforts in the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Tacky. Honorary members will not be required to pay dues. Honorary members will have all rights of membership including voting privileges.

Section 3.2. Voting Rights.
Only currently paid Charter, Family, Single, Lifetime and
Honorary members shall have voting privileges. A Charter, Family, Single, Lifetime and/or Honorary member other than an individual shall designate in writing (1) one person to act for the membership, including but not limited to, voting rights. The person acting for a non-individual membership will be recognized as representing said member until the designation is changed in writing addressed to the  association.

Section 3.3 Method of Application and Approval.
Membership in the Tacky is a
privilege, not a right. Application for membership will be by forms and fees and procedures prescribed from time to time by the Tacky. Membership or application therefore, may be terminated or rejected by the Board of Directors for cause detrimental to the interest of the Tacky, its programs, policies, objectives and harmonious relationship of its members.

Article IV Board of Directors

Section 4.1 Number of Board Members.
Board of Directors (hereinafter called the
“Board” shall consist of not more than nine (9) members.

Section 4.2 Rules of Procedure.
Meetings of the Board and all its officers and
committees shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 4.3 Tenure.
The Board shall remain intact until such time as the breed is no
longer endangered.

Section 4.4 Vacancies.
A vacancy of any office due to any cause will be filled by the
Board. Each Board member shall investigate the qualifications and availability of a potential candidate and present their recommendations to the Board.

Section 4.5 Election.
The official vote will take place no later than 30 days after the
recommendations are received.

Section 4.6 Compensation.
No Board member shall receive compensation from the
Tacky, unless approved by a two-thirds vote at a regularly called meeting with a quorum.

Section 4.7 Meetings.
The Board shall hold three meeting a year. Special meetings
may be called by the President or at the request of five Board members. Notice of such meetings shall be mailed to all members of  the Board at least ten days prior to the date set.

Section 4.8 Dismissal.
Any Board member may be voted off by majority vote for:

(1) Missing two meetings in a year w/o satisfactory reason.
(2) Continued lack of interest in the purposes of the CMTA.
(3) Unwillingness to work as a cohesive unit.

Section 4.9 General Powers.
The Board shall receive and act upon all committee
reports. It shall determine the policies of  the administration, operations, and ethical standards of the Tacky.

Article V Officers

Section 5.1 Election.
Board members shall elect the following officers from the
Board: President, Vice-President,  Secretary and Treasurer. The duties of the officers shall be as follows.

Section 5.2 President.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board.
He/she shall appoint all committees  and shall be an ex-officio member of each committee. The President shall also be a member of  the Board.

Section 5.3 Vice-President.
The Vice-President shall preside during the absence of
the President or his/her inability or refusal to carry out such duties. He/she shall be Chairperson of a committee.

Section 5.4 Secretary.
The Secretary shall have charge of all records of action by the
Board. He/she shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board. After each meeting the secretary will mail the minutes to the Board members for review and the minutes will be approved at the next meeting. The Secretary shall keep a copy of the By-Laws in his/her notebook at all times for ready reference.

Section 5.5 Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all monies
received and disbursed by the Tacky; such records shall be kept on file at a place designated by the Board. He/she shall deposit all monies received in one (1) or more banks to the credit of the Tacky, and he/she shall make investments in such assets as are approved by the Board. Upon approval of the Board, he/she  shall use the available funds of the Tacky to pay all of its just bills. At each Board meeting  he/she shall submit a written financial report. The Treasurer shall also keep all records of  current and new members, along with all donations to the CMTA. Current membership cards will be issued as needed.

Article VI Committees

Section 6.1 Committees.
The President may designate one (1) or more committees.

Each committee shall have such name or names as he/she may determine and shall be in such number and for such terms, as the President shall designate.

Section 6.2 Reports.
Each officer and committee chairperson shall render written
reports of the activities of their  respective office or committee. Such reports shall be filed with the Secretary.

Article VII Management

Section 7.1 Budget.
The Board, before the expiration of the fiscal year, shall set up a
budget of expenditures for the  ensuing fiscal year.

Section 7.2 Investments.
No funds of the Tacky shall be invested without the
authority of the Board.

Section 7.3 Expenditures.
No funds of the Tacky shall be expended without Board
approval or in accordance with a Board approved budget.

Section 7.4 Fiscal Year.
The Tacky’s fiscal year shall end June 30. The Tacky’s
account books shall be balanced and audited at the close of the fiscal year.

Article VIII Changes in By-Laws

Section 8.1 Revision. Alterations, amendments or repeals of these By-Laws may be made by a majority of the members of the Board entitled to vote at any annual or regular meeting if the  notice thereof contains a statement of the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal.

Article IX Dissolution

Section 9.1 Dissolution. Upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of the Tacky shall be dissolved with all assets thereof transferred to another nonprofit corporation within South Carolina that holds a Section 501(C)(3) tax exempt status as such term is defined in the Internal Revenue Service regulations or governmental organization.

Article X Agenda of Meetings

Section 10.1 Agenda of the Annual Meeting
1. Call to order
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Annual address of the President
4. Report of the Executive Director
5. Report of the Secretary
6. Report of the Treasurer
7. Reports of Committees
8. Unfinished business
9. New Business
10. Election of Board of Directors; when applicable
11. Announcement of new CMTA Officers; when applicable
12. Adjournment

Section 10.2 Agenda of the Board of Directors Meeting
1. Call to order
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Report of President
4. Report of Secretary
5. Report of Treasurer
6. Reports of Committees
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Executive Session
10. Adjournment

Article XI Animals Entitled to Registration
(The Breed Registry was officially closed by the Board on August 18, 2010).

Section 11.1 Member Records. Realizing the need to protect the unique heritage of Marsh Tacky horses and their link with the history of America and in order to promote breed practices to preserve its purity, it is imperative that breeders of Marsh Tackies keep adequate records on their horses that shall be open to inspection by the Board in case of a question in regard to the
breeding of an animal.

Section 11.2 Eligibility for Registration

(a) The Board will serve as or appoint an Evaluation Committee which will be responsible for identifying and selecting foundation horses. Selected horses will be designated as Foundation Stock and will be registered accordingly.

(b) All horses submitted for registration during the open registration period will be inspected by the Evaluation Committee and classified according to adopted guidelines of the Tacky. Until all foundation stock has been identified, only foals sired by a foundation stallion and a registered mare will be eligible for immediate registration. Foals born from non-foundation, registered stock, will be identified in accordance with established rules of the Tacky and  classified accordingly.

(c) At such time that all foundation stock has been identified and registered, the Evaluation Committee will be dissolved and all subsequent progeny of foundation horses will be eligible for registration.

(d) The original Breed Registry will remain open until two thirds (2/3) majority of the Board members, voting at a regular meeting, vote in favor of closing the registry.

(e) Following the official closing of the Breed Registry, a horse may be added to the registry only if the following requirements are met:
(1) Lineage of the prospective horse must be known.
(2) The prospective horse must be presented to the appointed CMTA Inspection Committee and pass a visual inspection.
(3) Conclusive DNA test must match a current foundation horse.

(f) To register a horse as a Marsh Tacky, you must be a current member of the Carolina Marsh Tacky Association.

The within By-Laws were unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of the Carolina Marsh Tacky Association as of this 1st day of August, 2007.
(Revised 8/18/10; 1/3/12)

Appendix A

Membership Costs
Single Membership $50.00 / year
Family Membership $75.00 / year
Lifetime Membership $250.00
Lifetime Family Membership $450.00
Honorary Membership No cost to person or organization chosen

Memberships with time limits will run from annual meeting to annual meeting.

Membership renewals will be taken at the annual meeting or by mail after the annual